Meet the Suite Owners
Amy Kilgore
Owner, AmyK Aesthetics
Been with Excitation since: 1/23
My specialty: AmyK Signature Facial, Lash Extensions, Lash Lift, Brows, Anti-Aging Skin treatments, & Brazilian Waxing.
“I appreciate every one of you! I value your business and the positive online reviews you’ve shared about your experience at AmyK Aesthetics!”
Madison King
Owner, Karma Salon
Been with Excitaton since: 7/22
My specialty: Blonding
“I take pride in all my work and make sure my clients leave feeling happy and confident.”
Lacie Starkey
Owner, Tattoo Artist
Been with Excitation since: January 2024
My specialty: Fine line tattoo
“I appreciate all my clients, and am thankful for your referrals to friends and family.”
Book an appointment on Instagram @studiomusetattoos.lacie or on Facebook @lacie.starkey.5
Jennie Stottsberry
Owner & Stylist
Been with Excitation since: 6/21
My specialty: Precision dry cuts
“You are my friend first and my client second.”
I am not accepting new clients at this time
Karina Wyant
Owner, Karma Salon
Been an Excitation Suite Owner since: 5/21
My Specialties: Corrective color, precision haircuts, razor cuts, curly cuts, sew-in extensions
“Being able to make someone feel beautiful is a power we don't take for granted.”